Living The Life #1: The Importance of a To-Do List

I'd like to share ideas and concepts I learned on how to live the life, by writing a few blogs on them. I can say that these have made a massive change (improvement) to my life, and that's the reason for my willingness to share.

Please be patient to read this. The first blog is about the importance of a To-Do list.

By a To-Do list, I'm referring a list of actions that one has done and other actions that one must still do (also known as 'Things to do before I die'). I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having such a list, and I wish to inspire people about this, although in no way imposing it.


  • Motivation: You want to complete as many items from your list as you can. You know what you want to achieve since they are more tangible now when you see them in a list. You are thus motivated to seek opportunities that you know will get you to complete one or more items from your list.
  • Willingness: Similar to above but still important to mention seperately. This refers to those times where you are given some opportunity and you are undecided. You fear possible consequences, or afraid of something else. "What should I do?", "What if...". If however you know you will accomplish one item from your list if you take the chance, you will be more willing to go ahead. And you'll be surprised at how many things you'll find yourself saying "Wow, good thing that I decided to go for it".
  • Accomplishment: Seeing the small and big things that you've already done and others that you're slowly achieving with time gives a really good feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. You are feeling the productivity in your life.
  • Confidence: Related to accomplishment, seeing the things you've completed is a good source of self-confidence and self-esteem. Don't compare to other people, just see that you've actually done satisfying things and that you can go on doing more.
  • Change: If this actually makes you sad due to having a small list of completed things, it could either be because you're taking smaller things for granted or because you're missing on opportunities. Think about those two. For the latter, sometimes you need to push yourself to do something you consider a little crazy. That gives a good feeling that you can achieve things...because you really can! If the things seem too hard to achieve, put smaller things that you can achieve quicker. Stupid example: "Owning a nice mercedes". You can add "Acquiring the Driving License" and "Owning my first car.".
  1. You can use a simple paper and pen to write your things to do, or you can use notepad or a spreadsheet on a PC. In a spreadsheet you got better searching and sorting.
  2. Start by writing down all the things that you've already accomplished and that gave you even a small feeling of satisfaction. Mark these as done. Examples: Travelling on a plane; Going on your first date; Found your first job.
  3. Now add your dreams that you wish to achieve in the future. These are usually big dreams. Be creative and know what you really want, but don't overdo it with the impossible. Examples: Owning a particular car; Travelling to a particular continent;
  4. Next, and very importantly, add more smaller things that you wish to do or achieve in the nearer future. This is somewhat a little harder than above, because it is in our nature to dream big and take smaller things for granted. However, these small things are necessary for the motivation and self-confidence needed to step closer to our bigger dreams. Examples: Graduating; Get your driving license;
  5. As time goes by, be sure to keep your list updated by marking things you've done and adding newer things.
  • It's okay to add items that are inclusive in others. For example, you can have both "Visitting America" and "Visitting all continents". Bonus satisfaction can never harm.
  • You can add "dynamic" items that change with time, such as "Travelled to # different countries".
  • Feel free to add comments near an item you just marked as complete; comments such as date and place of completion, etc...
  • Avoid adding things that obstacle or destroy other's freedom (such as, uhm...killing a person? Leave that for a computer game).
  • Life achievements: Graduation, first job, first date, marriage, first divorce (just kidding)...
  • Sports: Archery, abseiling, bicycle trips, darts, hot air balloon, skiing...
  • Events: Boat party, foam party, Oktoberfest, Tomatina...
  • Travelling: Going abroad, camping & hiking, route 66 on motorbike, visitting a particular or all continents...
  • International landmarks: Eiffel tower, Great Wall of China, pyramids in Egypt...
  • Crazier things: ...better left unmentioned.

Evil Eye

Ideal Job Application

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What University Practical Tasks Do To You

[a facebook perspective]

They make students...

  • fill in and publish random friend-tagging chain notes on facebook because they're bored or frustrated
  • vent their anger and frustration in their facebook status
  • angrily emphasize themselves staying inside to work rather than going out
  • upload random photos claiming it's due to being bored from work
  • actually marry their tasks...according to facebook relationship status
  • create facebook groups about the frustration of assignments or assignment-related topics
  • join above mentioned groups
  • join other already-existing facebook groups that reflect the good things about life that the students are currently missing
  • add facebook applications for countdowns
  • ...observe all above mention things and write a blog about it (): )

Scan Malta Revealed!

We all are made to think Scan Malta sells PC and other electronic components, but is that true?

Firefox revealed their true enterprise:

Horribly Embarassing Bug or Embarassingly Horrible Feature?

The new Windows Live Messenger 2009 (version 9) has the following feature or bug, honestly I'm not sure which.

So you have the main MSN window (where you see the list of contacts) and conversation windows (where you chat with a person).

Apparently, if you change the background of the main MSN window, the only change you see is the main window (not the conversation windows). However, those chatting with you will see that background in their conversation window backgrounds. That means that the people you talk with will determine the background of your conversation windows.

What the heck? What if I don't want pink flowery backgrounds? Even worse, I haven't yet found an option to disable this. Changing my background won't remove the pink background.

A bug or a feature?

PS. Don't expect me to talk to you if your background is not the default plain blue one, especially if its a pink flowery one (only applies to MSN 9).

Handiness of Technology

The old times vs the new times.

When you want to write an appointment... the old times, you jot it down on a paper calendar.
...nowadays, you mark it in your mobile calendar.

When there is an electricity power failure... the old times, you try to light a match and find your way to a fuel lamp.
...nowadays, you just use the light emitted by your mobile.

When you think you are looking good... the old times, you get your film camera to take a self-photo, and wait months until you use up the rest of the film to process the photos.
...nowadays, you take a self-photo with your mobile and upload it to your PC instantly.

When you want to wake up early... the old times, you would set that annoying analog alarm clock.
...nowadays, you set a number of alarms for specific days in your mobile.

When you must wait in a waiting room... the old times, you stare or you gossip with strangers.
...nowadays, you play a complex 3D game on your mobile.

When you are feeling nostalgic... the old times, you fetch a dusty pile of letters that you or your friends wrote long ago.
...nowadays, you look at some SMS messages you kept in your mobile.

Oh, and by the way, mobiles can also be used for calling. But that's aside :)


JD's screaming moments from Scrubs:

Just had to share :D

Things To Do in 2009

  • Bus Tour '09
  • Get motorcycle license
  • Get a motorcycle (crappy scooter included)
  • Taste vodka skittles DONE
  • Go to a boat party DONE
  • Work abroad
  • Go to the USA
  • Meet American friends
  • Drink 2 pitchers of beer in one night DONE
  • Drink as many different kinds of beer in one night
  • Spend a day replying 'yes' to any question asked (and actually doing what was asked for)
  • Participate in Microsoft Imagine Cup DONE
  • Archery
  • Rock Climbing

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